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Génesis Jamie Cumba Ramos' Defense
Wednesday, 08 May 201910:00 AM
On Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Génesis Jamie Cumba Ramos
will defend her thesis titled
The Imagination of Disaster: Nuclear Apprehensions, Radioactive Ravings, and Civil Defense in Puerto Rico during the Cold War 1960-65, a translation from Spanish into English of Imaginar el desastre: aprensiones nucleares, desvaríos radioactivos y Defensa Civil en Puerto Rico durante la Guerra Fría 1960-65 by Manuel R. Rodríguez Vázquez.
Thesis committee members include Alma Simounet, Ph. D., Manuel R. Rodríguez Vázquez, Ph. D., and thesis advisor M. Charlotte Ward, Ph. D..
The defense is open to the general public. Everyone is invited to attend.