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Lyssia Sosa Borrero’s Defense
Friday, 08 November 201910:00 AM
On Friday, November 8, 2019
Lyssia Sosa Borrero
will defend her thesis titled
Los superhéroes como lenguaje: contexto, metáfora y traducción de los cómics principales de Marvel, 1961-1969, a translation from English into Spanish of Language of Supermen: Context, Metaphor, and Translatability of Marvel Comic's Main Superhero Titles, 1961-1969 by Gabriel Rodríguez Martínez.
Thesis committee members include Gabriel Rodríguez Martínez, Ph. D., Aurora Lauzardo Ugarte, Ph. D., and thesis advisor Luis A. García Nevares, Ph. D..
The defense is open to the general public. Everyone is invited to attend.