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Graduate Program in Translation Logo


Thesis Defenses

Paula Latorre Arroyo’s Defense

  Monday, 22 May 2023
   3:30 PM

On Monday, May 22, 2023

Paula Latorre Arroyo

will defend her thesis titled

At the Crossroads of Law and Literature “Creative Writing, Crime, and Law: Jorge Luis Borges and ‘Emma Zunz’” and “Love and Interest: Property Law in Eugénie Grandet” , a translation from Spanish into English of Creación literaria, crimen y ley: Jorge Luis Borges y "Emma Zunz" y El amor y el interés: Derecho patrimonial en Eugenia Grandet by Pedro Cabán Vales.

Thesis committee members include Prof. H. Jane Barnes de Ramírez, Aurora Lauzardo Ugarte, Ph. D., and thesis advisor David Auerbach, Ph. D.

The defense is open to the general public. Everyone is invited to attend.