Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

From left to right, Prof. Amarilis Pagán Vila, Nélida Muñoz de Frontera, Ph. D. and author of the text, thesis advisor Luis A. García Nevares, Ph. D., Abdiel Reyes Pérez, and Aurora Lauzardo, Ph D.

On Thursday, May 23, 2019, Abdiel Reyes Pérez, defended his thesis titled Capítulo 3: Cuatro compositores puertorriqueños del siglo XIX: Felipe Gutiérrez y Espinosa, Manuel Gregorio Tavárez, Juan Morel Campos y José Ignacio Quintón del Rosario (introducción y sección dedicada a Gutiérrez y Espinosa), a translation from English into Spanish of A Study of Selected Nineteenth Century Puerto Rican Composers and Their Musical Output by Nélida Muñoz de Frontera, Ph. D.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Aurora Lauzardo Ugarte, Ph. D., Prof. Amarilis Pagán Vila, and thesis advisor Luis A. García Nevares, Ph. D., awarded his thesis the grade sobresaliente.