Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

De izquierda a derecha: el Dr. Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, la Dra. Aurora Lauzardo, consejera de tesis, la estudiante Anya Belaval Calimano y la Dra. María Mercees Carrión.

On April 20, 2017, Anya Belaval Calimano, defended her thesis titled Las élites, la violencia y la construcción de la política moderna, a translation from English into Spanish of a selection of chapters from Rituals of Violence in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico: Individual Conflict, Gender, and the Law, by Astrid Cubano Iguina Ph. D..

The Thesis Committee, formed by Alejandro Alvarez Nieves, Ph. D., Prof. María Mercedes Carrion, Ph. D., and thesis advisor Aurora Lauzardo, Ph. D.,, awarded her thesis the grade sobresaliente.