Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

De izquierda a derecha: la Dra. Aurora Lauzardo, la estudiante Arleen Nazario Montalvo, la Dra. M. Charlotte Ward, consejera de tesis, y el Dr. Alejandro Álvarez Nieves.

On MAY 16, 2018, Arleen Nazario Montalvo, defended her thesis titled El reto de la ingobernabilidad en la educación pública en Puerto Rico, a translation from Spanish into English of The Challenges of Managing Public Education in Puerto Rico, by César Rey, Ph. D..

The Thesis Committee, formed by Alejandro Alvarez Nieves, Ph. D., Aurora Lauzardo, Ph. D., and thesis advisor M. Charlotte Ward, Ph. D., , awarded her thesis the grade notable.