Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

From left to right, Alma Simounet Bey P.h. D., Oihida Beloucif P.h. D., thesis advisor David Auerbach P.h. D., and Brandice P. Walker.

On June 7, 2018, Brandice P. Walker, defended her thesis titled The Quadroons of New Orleans: Octavia the Quadroon, a translation from French into English of Les Quarteronnes de la Nouvelle-Orléans: Octavia la quarteronne de Sidonie de la Houssaye.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Oihida Beloucif Ph. D., Alma Simounet Bey Ph. D., and thesis advisor David Auerbach Ph. D., awarded her thesis the grade sobresaliente.