Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Left to right: Yvette Torres, M.A., thesis advisor Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, Ph.D., student Rocío Fernández Jiménez, and Aurora Lauzardo, Ph.D.

On March 24, 2017, Rocío Fernández Jiménez, defended her thesis titled Guiones de negritud: raza, nacionalismo cultural y colonialismo estadounidense en Puerto Rico, a translation from English into Spanish of Scripts of Blackness: Race, Cultural Nationalism, and U.S. Colonialism in Puerto Rico by Isar P. Godreau, Ph.D.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Yvette Torres, M.A., Aurora Lauzardo, Ph.D, and thesis advisor, Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, Ph.D, awarded her thesis the grade sobresaliente.