Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

From left to right, Raúl de Pablos Escalante, Ph. D., Antoine Philippe, Ph. D., Gabriela Lanauze Torres, and thesis advisor David Auerbach, Ph. D.

On Friday, October 29, 2021, Gabriela Lanauze Torres, defended her thesis titled "The Project of an Aesthetics of Thought" and "The Plenitude of the Void: The Thoughts of Dōgen Zenji", a translation from Spanish into English of "El proyecto de una estética del pensamiento” y “La plenitud del vacío. El pensamiento de Dōgen Zenji” by Francisco José Ramos.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Raúl de Pablos Escalante, Ph. D., Antoine Philippe, Ph. D., and thesis advisor David Auerbach, Ph. D., awarded her thesis the grade sobresaliente.