On Thursday, May 13, 2021, Iulianna P. Rosario Vázquez, defended her thesis titled Nuevos aportes de la bioarqueología en el contexto arqueológico precolombino del Caribe y Puerto Rico: traducción de dos artículos del Dr. Edwin F. Crespo Torres y otros autores, a translation from English into Spanish of Ancient Bones Tell Stories: Osteobiography of Human Remains from Tibes y The Study of Pre-Columbian Human Remains in the Caribbean Archipelago: From Descriptive Osteology to a Bioarchaeological Approach by Dr. Edwin F. Crespo Torres, Hayley L. Mickleburg y Roberto Valcárcel Rojas.
The Thesis Committee, formed by Madeliz Gutiérrez Ortiz, Ph. D., Prof. Yvette Torres Rivera, and thesis advisor Luis A. García Nevares, Ph. D., awarded her thesis the grade bueno.