Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

From left to right, Jorge P. Álvarez González, Esq., Melanie Kinch Pérez, Esq., Jordan Grullón Penkova, and thesis advisor David Auerbach, Ph. D.

On Friday, December 16, 2022, Jordan Grullón Penkova, defended his thesis titled H.R. 51: A Bill to create the 'Puerto Rico Business Development Bank', a translation from Spanish into English of P. de la C. 51: Ley para crear el 'Banco de Desarrollo Empresarial' by José Varela Fernández.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Jorge P. Álvarez González, Esq., Melanie Kinch Pérez, Esq., and thesis advisor David Auerbach, Ph. D., awarded his thesis the grade notable.