Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

From left to right, Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo, Ph. D., Aurora Lauzardo Ugarte, Ph. D., Laura M. Adorno Monserrate, and thesis advisor Luis García Nevares, Ph. D.

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, Laura M. Adorno Monserrate defended her thesis titled (Re)construir la herencia: las narrativas de pertenencia lingüística entre los activistas taínos, a translation from English into Spanish of "(Re)Constructing Heritage: Narratives of Linguistic Belonging among Taíno Activists" Capítulo 5 del libro A Contested Caribbean Indigeneity: Language, Social Practice, and Identity within Puerto Rican Taíno Activism by Sherina Feliciano-Santos.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo, Ph. D., Aurora Lauzardo Ugarte, Ph. D., and thesis advisor Luis García Nevares, Ph. D., awarded her thesis the grade sobresaliente.