Graduate Program in Translation Logo

Graduate Program in Translation Logo

De izquierda a derecha: el Dr. Luis A. García Nevares, el estudiante Miguel García Cetout, la profesora Yvette Torres, consejera de tesis, y el Dr. Enrique Vivone Farage.

On May 24, 2017, Miguel García Cetout, defended his thesis titled Antonin Nechodoma, arquitecto, 1877-1928: la Escuela de la pradera en el Caribe, capítulos 5 y 6, a translation from Emglish into Spanish of Antonin Nechodoma, architect, 1877-1928: the Prairie School in the Caribbean by Thomas Marvel.

The Thesis Committee, formed by Enrique Vivoni Farage, Ph. D., Luis A. García Nevares, Ph. D., and thesis advisor Yvette Torres, M.A., awarded his thesis the grade notable.