Admission Requirements
The requirements for admission to the Graduate Programs of the University of Puerto Rico College of Humanities are:
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
- A minimum 3.00 grade point average (on a 4.00 point scale system) both cumulative and for major field of study. As an exception, the Program can admit students with a GPA lower than 3.00.
- Knowledge of Spanish and English.
Admission Procedure
The Graduade Program in Translation (PGT) only accepts applications for the first semester of every academic year. All admissions to the PGT are processed via the UPR Admissions Portal[Opens external link]. You can find the application forms and instructions to complete the electronic admission, as well as the graduate admissions calendar or Graduate Admissions - UPR Río Piedras[Opens external link].
Applicants should submit the completed electronic application which, in addition to your personal, academic, and professional data, includes:
- An essay explaining your interest in pursuing graduate studies and your long-term professional or research plans. A strong essay usually expands on information about the applicant's qualifications, interests, and experience. Additionally, it will be evaluated as part of your writing and composition skills in your mother tongue or A Language (please see the Applicant Evaluation Rubric). It must be written in your mother tongue or A Language, or in the same language you are planning to take the Admissions Test.
- Two letters of recommendation from professors or other qualified individuals who can provide information on your academic performance, intellectual qualities, and other attributes that qualify you for graduate studies. Those submitting recommendations will receive a notification via e-mail to the address you entered in your application. This e-mail includes access information and instructions on how to submit their letter of recommendation. Letters can only be accepted via this platform.
- One official transcript that includes all higher education studies that gives access to a masters program up to the application date. If you are seeking admission from a program outside the University of Puerto Rico system, the Registrar's Office (or equivalent officer) must mail your transcripts to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research via e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or to the following address:
Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación
ATT: Admisiones Graduadas
18 Avenida Universidad Suite 1801
San Juan, PR 00925-2512
When filling the online application, you must upload a copy of your transcript. In order to evaluate your application, this can be an unofficial copy, but it is important that the admissions officer receives an official copy of your transcript. If you are admitted to our program, you will not be allowed to register without an official document on file.
In addition, you will be required to take the online Admissions Test offered by the PGT. Access to this test will be available a few days after you file your application. In this test you will:
- Read a text written in your B Language of approximately 850 words.
- Write a summary of 250-300 words in your mother tongue or A language. It is important that you write a summary of the text, that is, an abridged rewriting of the contents of the text using your own words and style. It should not be a literal translation of any excerpt from the original text.
- Write an opinion essay of 250-300 words in your mother tongue or A language. Your essay must be based on your interpretation of the original text, and it should express and explain your opinion of the author's position regarding the subject. You should not reproduce long excerpts from the original text.
This test is designed to measure language comprehension in your B language, writing skills in your A language, and critical thinking skills. It is designed to be completed in 3 hours. You should reserve 3 uninterrupted hours to complete it. The admissions test is only offered in the following language combinations: from English as B language into Spanish as A language and from Spanish as B language into English as A language. This exam is only administered on-line. Date and time will be announced to applicants via e-mail to the address you used to register your online application.
Be sure to check your spam folder regularly, as our e-mails can get accidentally delivered there!
You are responsible for ensuring that all transcripts and letters of recommendation arrive on time. The PGT Admissions Committee will not evaluate an incomplete application
The Office of the Dean for Graduate Studies and Research[Opens external link] (Degi) of the Universty of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus sets the deadline for requesting admission to graduate programs. We recommend that all applicants visit their web site on a regular basis to learn about the admissions schedule, as well as the opportunities and services offered by the institution for its graduate students.
Application Evaluation Rubric
The Applicant Evaluation Rubric (only available in Spanish) describes the criteria used for evaluating admissions and the corresponding weight assigned to each criteria. We recommend that you read it carefully, so you understand how we evaluate each application.
Deferred Admission
Students are expected to enroll in the year in which they were granted admission. Admitted students who cannot begin studying in the year for which they were admitted may request deferred admission for the following semester or the following year. If you wish to defer your admission, you must notify the program, otherwise your will be required to reapply for admission on the following year.
Students who interrupt their studies for one or more semesters must request readmission. Readmission to the PGT is processed via the UPR Admissions Portal[Opens external link]. When requesting readmission, you must send a letter stating the reasons why your studies were interrupted.
Special Study Permission
Special study permission will only be granted to students who have requested regular admission to the PGT and have been denied admission. This permission will be awarded strictly by ranking up to the minimum admissions score and maximum available seating as established every year by the PGT Graduate Committee. Special study permission will be awarded only for one semester. At the end of said semester, students that have received an A grade in courses registered for special study permission will be allowed to request regular admission once again and will be admitted the next semester.
Only in exceptional cases that are duly justified, and with the approval of the majority of the members of the PGT Graduate Committee, will a special study permit be awarded to a student that has not requested regular admission to the PGT or that, having requested regular admission, received a score that is lower than the minimum admissions score established by the Graduate Committee for that year.